Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sorting time!

I guess this would only make sense if you've taken a marketing course.
And, if you know anything about Harry Potter, which I'm sure most everyone already does.
But yeah! I'm supposed to study for my marketing exam at this very moment, and I just felt like making this 'communication style chart' with a twist.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


Katie Sokoler is totally right.
Anytime you feel down, jumping on your bed
and blasting fun music, really helps.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


(At least I think these are chrysanthemums) I bought some neat fabric today! And procrastinated by taking photos with it and pretending I was lying in a field of flowers. Big project presentation due tomorrow.

This is so tacky.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I was supposed to be starting my essay, you see.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

HI 5

These are my greatest creation ever. Cause, when I wave at someone, it simply says "hi" or I can engage someone in a high five. Or high ten, rather.

Video demonstrating the gloves in action will be uploaded in the future.


So it's my friend Tea's birthday today,
and I promised I'd knit her a Gryffindor scarf. (I think)

I even found the Harry Potter font for downloading!
It's called "Harry P" for anyone interested.
So I wrote her a 'birthday card'
in Dumbledore's name,

and I didn't have one of those legit wax seals,
so I just used a metal ring and poured red
acrylic paint into it, to let it dry. Works just as well!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd TA DA!
Now if only I had an owl to deliver it.

Also, I wrapped it in brown paper, but I didn't have any actual brown paper,
and ended up cutting apart a bread bag. Also, works perfectly! It's like magic.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sweet! Improv Toronto used 3 of my photos on their brand new updated site! http://improvintoronto.com/2011/01/24/no-pants-subway-ride-2011-2/

It's an honour.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Have you ever made a SWOT analysis?It's basically a chart to organize certain aspects of a company. ANYWAYS. I have to do this for marketing class, but it's really not that much fun...

And I'm sure you've made a cootie catcher before!
(Im not sure why they're called that.)

So here's a special SWOT analysis cootie catcher!

it works perfectly
and it definitely makes business class more fun for me.

Or a SWOT cootie catcher, if you've got
marketing class like me :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Alright, so I've cut out as many hearts today as I could, and I'm going to leave them all over the subway and give them out to my class, cause that was always fun back in public school!
I gave them smiley faces, and people can just pick which ever colour they'd like. I just want to get the point out that the way people tend to treat Valentine's day is silly. Why share it with only one person?
Show everyone you love that you love them! Please? I'll love you if you do so.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today I was...

...in button heaven!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


You know what really bothers me?
Yes, I'm going to tell you.

The idea that a certain city/area/place is "boring". Perhaps the culture is different, different from what you may be used to, perhaps you have heard dull stories, and perhaps you've had a dull experience.

But what can cause you to judge an entire city, and deem it terminally dull? Or boring, rather.

I was born in Toronto, I live in Toronto. Not saying I'll live here all my life, I'd like to experience new places, but not because I think this place is boring. Far from it.

Most multicultural city in the world? Canada's largest capital? You think the mortality rate is due to boredom here?

I believe that if someone is bored in this city, (and well, any city!) you aren't looking in the right place. Or you don't even expect to find fun.

If you're creative, adventurous and open minded, you'll find fun! It's as easy as that :) Have fun with the people who you're with, and just simply enjoy the fact that you're in a new city! (If you happen to be visiting.) And well, if you're from here, try something or go somewhere you haven't before.

I think any place can be fun, dammit. Any place and every place. You're the one who creates it.


And here's a picture of my friend Emi playing Twister on the subway. Does this happen in your city? Make it happen.

Monday, January 3, 2011


It's 1am. I'm dancing with Floss. He didn't seem to mind, actually